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[英文] 欧洲旅游英语情景对话 [複製鏈接]

* o. G; b4 ?# }  Q, P4 }7 D' B  A:Hello, Rachel! You look so relaxed! How was your vacation?
: x& C' ?/ v$ R# \6 p) s  A:雷切尔,你看上去休息得不错!假期过得怎么样?
# `& M' Z' o' D& ]0 r6 {  B:It was wonderful. I went to Paris.
+ m. r0 l1 c& \: s  B:很好。我去了趟巴黎。
& O4 M( Z9 B' x: H+ E. V) D  A:Paris? The "City of Light"?!1 F& u, D0 _' A/ ~/ ]
: B- m* W+ @( r# N! q  B:Yes, and it was so beautiful. No wonder it has attracted the admiration of the whole world., n; _" D' R/ _' {
  B:是啊,那里特别美!难怪巴黎赢得了全世界的赞叹。" \9 l, \! D: L2 r+ I* z* ^, w6 C
  A:What did you see? I heard there're many fabulous cathedrals, palaces,statues and monuments.
4 Z( X2 \5 f# a  @  A:你都去哪里了?我听说那里有很多美轮美奂的教堂、宫殿、雕塑还有历史建筑。
+ t! m, [4 f2 G! Z% G% t  B:I went to the famous Louvere museum on the first day. The rooms were full of paintings, sculptures, furniture, jewelry and antiquities from all over the world.
. r& }$ {: O" Y) X! {0 U  B:第一天我去了著名的卢浮宫博物馆,各个展厅里全都摆满了绘画、雕塑、家具、珍宝还有来自世界各地的文物。4 _( A+ }$ V; T9 t+ d- i/ i# {1 w
  A:Did you see the Mona Lisa?
- @* K4 q( v' \& i& _" r0 x* J/ ~  A:你看了《蒙娜丽莎》了吗?
5 z( h% t2 ]1 g* A% k) V, |  B:Yes,it was one of the most popular exhibits. There was a long line of people waiting to have a glimpse of it. Even I,for many years,had dreamed of seeing it in person,but when 1 actually saw it,I thought it was just so-so.
2 o& b! c4 B5 \9 s$ v7 P$ o& A  B:是啊,那幅画是最受欢迎的展品之一。人们排成一条长队,就等着看它一眼,即使是。我多年来也一直梦想着能亲眼看到它,可是当我真正看到这幅画时,我觉得也就一般吧。. X6 z. v2 c, q+ T
  A:Maybe that was because the Louvere has so many other impressive works of art to compare it with. Where did you go on the second day?
; X, y/ f" V  H- ^  A:也许是因为卢浮宫里有太多其他精美的艺术品,和它们比起来,《蒙娜丽莎》也不算什么了。你第二天去哪里了?1 ]* @; r* U8 h( m, n. N, U* Z
  B:I spent the whole day visiting the Palace of Versailles which is about a one-hour ride southwest of Paris. It was so outstanding and beautiful!
0 s: a! H4 _9 d& K. Y1 G- P  B:第二天我一整天都在参观凡尔赛宫。凡尔赛宫在巴黎西南方向,坐车大概要一个小时。这座宫殿真的是美极了!
4 F) ?4 j4 O2 }/ I  A:When was it built?
4 e. ~7 G( Z! U2 t  k6 I1 m: S% L  A:凡尔赛宫是什么时候建的?
: ~% f2 w& G1 F- k% u  B:In the 1700s by the most famous French king Louis XIV,the Sun King.# |- e* q# y* Y+ T
8 Z8 [+ i- D( A( O$ E0 y  欧洲旅游英语情景对话2:3 \8 \- I5 c+ }8 d
  A:I'd like to visit the famous spots in Paris. Can you tell me what they are?1 D9 H) w. q+ ^
/ k3 Q! m  R) l7 X* l6 Z; G' J" b  B:Well, Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum and Arch of Triumph are all good places of interest in this city.
# [2 h9 l2 s  C6 ]+ ], B! p& {' E  B:嗯,埃菲尔铁塔、卢浮宫、凯旋门都是市内的胜地。
9 Y* G9 j! ]3 o3 R/ l: y( @  A:Oh, I can't wait to go,but I have only two days,so do you think I can visit all of those places in two days?8 D  `+ b' e6 V# u
! M: {) @( R- U2 N  B: No,you can't if you want to take a good look at them.
: T  ]% A7 k1 u# Y; j  F  B:如果你想好好游览而不是走马观花的话,那两天时间是不行的。& t( c, X# F) Q  G( p4 q7 T- z) d" G9 U
  A:That's too bad. But I still can choose a few of them. Then What's the best way to do my sightseeing?( C7 v. s6 ?8 G# P* e
) x' f+ G7 |9 \4 E+ k- r  B:In that case I suggest you go to Louvre Museum first. Because there are so many treasure there./ B" G. v( C9 P8 ^$ y  x
- P, V" Q# F5 z3 r  A:Really? It's so attractive.
: X1 P$ r, y/ \9 G  A:是吗?太吸引人了。
% K/ i  M+ K! Q( `5 d* B+ f  B:And if time is enough you can go to see the Eiffel Tower. It almost stands for Paris.
/ I9 ?! I  `& [; q  B:如果时间够的话,你可以去看看埃菲尔铁塔,它几乎代表了巴黎。' |0 Q  ^9 s; P' L
  A:Arch of Triumph is my favor, too. So I should set off at once.4 ?& y+ r' }# \/ D( C
% m  T2 l# Z* q5 L! R0 t  B:Have a good time !" q) W; O& Y) T2 A: j6 R" L) o
  B:祝你玩儿得开心!  U) J' m6 [3 d6 g
  A:Thank you.
0 H  F: f) v1 R5 h! p7 r  A:谢谢。
& H0 Y$ y1 N1 J# ?: A" z* d9 S- p2 y  欧洲旅游英语情景对话3:0 \1 {. N, ?( M) o& `
  A:I didn't realize that Amsterdam is built on the water.! R% j" M( C1 h5 {/ x
, N, ~2 n: H! J5 E  B:I knew it before. It's very famous.: A3 ^  ?4 e- m0 |" g( c$ A
  B:我以前就知道。它很有名。7 }6 i/ a. ]$ T- [7 p$ S4 }2 Z/ [
  A:Would you like to live here in Amsterdam?( _" X, N9 B, a! m8 V
: [8 l: o$ i8 D# [& ~  B:Yes , I like to live near the water.
4 b$ ]; g) D' C, U( w4 O/ R: o  B:是的,我很喜欢生活在水边。& E& N2 ]! V$ i, \: B
  A:Me , too.' J7 `4 R0 }" e) D* ^0 a, ~8 T
* Q8 B) _% F( M% G  q4 F  B:Look! Here's a bridge.
; `* F: P/ q6 x) j. p* C- n  B:看!这里有一座桥。
6 W% r  _- W2 Q4 N* v  A:Do we have to pay a toll?
6 m' o  |/ m* E7 b: P  A:我们得付过桥费吗?" J  T* b% k; X8 Q# \
  B:No,These bridges are toll-free.  ~# T; P0 o0 S0 }; W( m
  B:不用,这些桥梁都是免收通行费的。0 y( E6 F* v' ~+ o
  A:That must be the city center there.
* a6 y, i  H6 x" r8 r3 t' f4 t  A:那里一定是市中心了。
2 B: e, G. V5 {  R9 M' x3 p+ s$ S  B:Right. We'll be there in a minute. There's not that much traffic here.
# W0 f/ V: |8 ]. o- {  B:不错。我们马上就要到了。这里的交通流量不大。* @' a$ A; X, U8 T' h1 {; ?
  A:Yes , we can drive fast.: a4 i" Q4 B8 }) G# ]
! s5 W. f7 t; o1 \8 I  B:Our hotel is near there,right?
* v1 u6 `' L; B4 C; s' `  B:我们要住的旅社就在这儿附近吗?
; _, ]4 J. X/ X  [1 B  A:Yes. There are lots of restaurants there.2 Y% [: C2 Y* V  i* F, ~
# N+ m$ I3 ^1 \7 m, _: j  B:Restaurants?
" _/ `2 Q+ q! Q& T( b  B:餐馆?9 O! W. D# @9 Y
  A:Yes,I think I'm hungry now.( ~' s" ~6 v4 d' j/ z  f
  A:是的,我想我饿了。; x$ R8 o( w# D* ]  U
! P0 n" g. N/ g" s) q  A:London is a pretty modern city.% g6 g) }7 Q1 y# Q* F; q5 }( p
  A:伦敦真是一座现代城市。2 ~7 J* m/ m6 R$ W3 o4 c" x' H
  B:Yes , the tall buildings are everywhere.& O9 E* X; O% Q) w- L" \
  B:是啊,到处都是高楼大厦。. ]1 U: k& \9 O3 \7 \
  A:Look at the modern skyscrapers, we can see the whole London on the top of it.8 I4 F& ?% ^6 b( L( d
- K. M9 d, X! ?4 J  B:It is marvelous!
. p0 s) q$ i8 W5 K* _* o  B:美极了!
' M' u% P- T! M* ^% I( w1 z! g  A:It was said that London is best known for the Westminster Abbey.
$ c, r' s, ?# O% V- S+ S1 b  A:听说最负盛名的是威斯敏斯特教堂。9 E- {) t+ \: H5 t6 {* W# H: b+ i
  B:And the Big Ben.
2 e8 H6 V8 C" q9 A  B:还有大笨钟。" R- r6 [; g( O: R3 v( K; z
  A:That's right. I heard of it. Why don't we go there now?# q( E/ o+ q8 J
1 `/ N) w: P1 {! z! m1 v  B:Good idea. Let's go.
* U+ b# j1 `- Y. _  B:好主意,我们走吧。
6 d' u8 B4 I& b7 {7 [! x  }8 w8 l8 v+ `2 n" m$ d
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發表於 2017-6-10 11:08:58 | 只看該作者

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